
8 Night Islands of the Azores Basalt Peaks to Volcanic Vineyards

From Ponta Delgada to Ponta Delgada

National Geographic Endurance

Lindblad Expeditions
4 Stars
  • Cruise #: 13922466
  • Departs: Thu, Apr 10, 2025
  • Returns: Fri, Apr 18, 2025
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    Oceanview $11,160
    Suite $13,964
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    Itinerary Summary

    Day by Day Details

    Cruise Segment of Itinerary

    Thursday - Apr 10, 2025
    Ponta Delgada, Portugal
    • Ponta Delgada, Portugal
    Arrive in Ponta Delgada, on the island of Sao Miguel in the Azores, where we embark the ship.
    Friday - Apr 11, 2025
    • Pico, Portugal
    • Faial Island, Portugal
    The tallest mountain on the Atlantic Ridge, the long dormant Ponta do Pico, is a defining feature of this beautiful island whose claims to fame are whaling history and wine. Visit the once-booming former whaling village Lajes do Pico and learn about the importance of the whaling industry to these islands at the Whalers' Museum. Then travel to the wine region, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the moonscape terrain left by the lava flows has been painstakingly converted to vineyards. See the unlikely lava stone corrals that protect the precious vines before ending the day with a tasting of these very special wines. This afternoon, sail to the island of Faial in time to raise a glass at Peter Cafe Sport, a legendary pub where sea adventurers historically dropped off their mail. ...
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    Saturday - Apr 12, 2025
    Faial Island, Portugal
    • Faial Island, Portugal
    Following breakfast aboard the ship, head to Capelinhos, where you can see how dramatically the landscape changed when its volcano erupted in 1957. Farms and villages were covered with ash, which added nearly an extra mile of land to the island. Later, stroll in the marina, visit the excellent scrimshaw museum, and enjoy a coffee at a local cafe. ...
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    Sunday - Apr 13, 2025
    Sao Jorge, Portugal
    • Sao Jorge, Portugal
    This morning, visit Sao Jorge, formed by volcanic fissures. An impressive mix of imposing sea cliffs and fajas-coastal plateaus formed from lava flows-the island has fertile soil that supports picturesque grasslands and farms. On trails that crisscross the ridge and beaches, hike to Caldeira de Santo Cristo Lake, known for its clams; visit the small villages perched on the fajas; explore the coffee and tea plantations; and taste world-renowned Sao Jorge cheese. Be on deck with your binoculars this afternoon as we sail around the tip of the island, passing cliffs with nesting sea birds and looking for Risso's dolphin and whales. Conditions permitting, head off to explore the secluded saltwater lagoons of Faja dos Cubres and Faja de Santo Cristo, "Wetlands of International Importance". ...
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    Monday - Apr 14, 2025
    Graciosa, Portugal
    • Graciosa, Portugal
    Aptly named, this "gracious" island has been designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve for the balance its inhabitants have achieved between the preservation of the geography and sustainable human development. Travel through a beautiful patchwork of farmland and vineyards dotted with windmills en route to the ancient village of Santa Cruz. At the natural monument Caldeira da Graciosa, we will see Furna do Enxofre, a unique lava cave and underground lake. Later, stroll through the village of Praia, enjoy the sweet pastry queijada da Graciosa, and soak up the tranquility of this quiet harbor. ...
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    Tuesday - Apr 15, 2025
    Terceira, Portugal
    • Terceira, Portugal
    First settled by Portuguese navigators around 1450, Terceira became a popular port of call for merchant ships and the economic and religious center of the Azores. We will wind along the coastline and explore historic villages like Porto Judeu, a small fishing community; Sao Sebastiao, which has a notable 15th-century parish church; and Altares, with its quaint whitewashed houses capped with traditional chimneys and painted cones. Upland at Algar do Carvao, be amazed by a huge lava tube adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, and later stroll the streets of Praia da Vitoria. Or, take a walking tour with local guides to see the forts, palaces, churches, museums, and gardens of Angra do Heroismo. Step back in time in this 15th-century UNESCO World Heritage Site and see firsthand the indelible mark left by the ancient explorers, conquerors, and religious leaders. ...
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    Wednesday - Apr 16, 2025
    • Santa Maria, Portugal
    As we cruise towards the island of Santa Maria, be on deck to search for the islands' many cetaceans. Go ashore at Santa Maria, historically significant as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus on his return from the Americas in 1493. We'll see a statue of the explorer in the village of Anjos and admire breathtaking vistas as we travel along the coast. Those who choose to hike the Pico Alto - Baia dos Anjos trail will travel from the highest point on the island to the sea to observe marine birds in their azure surroundings. ...
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    Thursday - Apr 17, 2025
    Ponta Delgada, Portugal
    • Ponta Delgada, Portugal
    Today, we explore the Furnas Valley and its famed hot springs, hiking the trails or perhaps visiting a tea plantation or the lovely garden of Terra Nostra. Sample a typical Azorean dish for lunch: naturally cooked underground from the heat of volcanic activity, cozido is a dish made with a variety of meats and vegetables. ...
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    Friday - Apr 18, 2025
    Ponta Delgada, Portugal
    • Ponta Delgada, Portugal
    This morning, we disembark and travel to Sete Cidades, a lovely village set amongst green and blue lakes. We will explore the lakes and village and conclude our expedition with a traditional Azorean lunch before transferring to the airport in Ponta Delgada.

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