Listed below is a sample of islands you may visit during your expedition. All ship itineraries are subject to Galapagos National Park regulations. Bartolome: Climb the steps to the summit of this 300-foot volcanic wonderland for stunning views. Explore, swim, and snorkel from the beach. You may even see Galapagos penguins, one of the world's rarest. Espanola: See swallow-tailed gulls, Espanola mockingbirds, Nazca boobies and, seasonally, the world's only population of waved albatross at this birdy paradise, also home to vividly colored marine iguanas. Watch sea lions on the white-sand beach and snorkel offshore at Gardner Bay. Floreana: Follow a trail past a pink-tinted lagoon frequented by flamingos. Snorkel among sea lions and abundant fish or cruise along Champion Islet by Zodiac. Visit the famous barrel at Post Office Bay. Santa Cruz: Visit Puerto Ayora, the largest town and headquarters of both the Galapagos National Park and Charles Darwin Research Station. See the monument to Lonesome George and tour the giant tortoise breeding corrals. See giant tortoises roaming in the wild in the lush, green highlands. South Plaza: Sea lions greet you at South Plaza, an uplifted block carpeted in salt-loving succulents and teeming with wildlife, including a noisy group of bachelor sea lions and a population of land iguanas. Admire diverse seabirds swooping along high sea cliffs. Santa Fe: Snorkel and kayak in the secluded cove at Barrington Bay. On shore, a trail leads you through the largest cactus trees in Galapagos. The Santa Fe land iguana is found only on this island, where Galapagos hawks are also thriving once again. Santiago: Hike over the smooth pahoehoe lava and admire spatter cones, little miniature hornitos and the wild riot of black lava at Sullivan Bay, the result an eruption recorded by passing buccaneers in 1897. San Cristobal: Land on a small, sparkling beach at Punta Pitt for a hike up to a plateau where blue- and red-footed boobies nest. You may also see endemic Cristobal mockingbirds and lava lizards. On this easternmost island, explore the celebrated expanse of powdery white sand at Cerro Brujo in the afternoon. Circumnavigate iconic Kicker Rock. Genovesa: Sail north across the Equator to the remote northern realm of the Galapagos, bathed in warmer tropical waters and home to the red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, great frigate birds, and other nesting seabirds. Paddle and kayak along the cliffs of this flooded caldera, where Galapagos fur seals and sea lions haul out to rest. ...
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